May 21, 2011

Justice And Mercy Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness releases us from our offenders. The greater the emotional trauma they cause the greater the need to forgive, but the less inclined we may feel to forgive.
Forgiveness is God's gift to us so that we do not have to carry the burden of being a victim.

A victim is one who has suffered injury, whether that be physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, or otherwise.

In Doctrine & Covenants 64:10 we are told..."of you it is required to forgive all men."  That does not mean that justice will not be served, only that we give it to God to extract it.

Forgiving those whom have injured us allows us to progress beyond the injury. If we do not forgive those who trespass us we allow bitterness into our hearts. It is like drinking poison hoping our trespasser will die. By forgiving we release them from holding our emotions, our mind, and our spirit.

We have no power to inflict justice, but God does. However, He has no power to enforce justice until we give him that power through our own forgiveness.

Without faith we do not trust that God will see that justice is done so we have a tendency to carry with us the burden of thinking that we must bring justice about. Without faith we often feel that the balance of justice has been unfairly placed upon us.

God has given us the gift of being able to forgive others that we may experience the Mercy of God, that mercy being the relief from carrying that burden of justice.

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