November 29, 2010

Friends May Change As Values Change

Throughout our lives we often find ourselves or our friends drifting away from each other. Sometimes they come back other times they don't.
Throughout life we are constantly seeking happiness and while some may recognize what happiness is, others find a substitute that seems to work for them, at least temporarily. Those substitutes often give us a sense of power over reality, but in reality they leave us weak and vulnerable. What we think would give us control over our mind and body is actually taking control over our mind and body.
 There is always sadness when we lose friends to something we see is destructive, it does not matter how old we are the pain is real.
With all the evidence of destructive substances and behaviors one might think that we would learn, but then again we have very selective memories and we all think we are the exception at one time or another. 
Pride is a false power that leads to ignorance and destruction, while humility leads to knowledge and understanding, which are real power.

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