November 18, 2010

Gratitude: The Power To Change Ones View

This coming week we look forward to a day of Thanksgiving. I look at this Holiday as a time to reflect on all the blessing I have been given, and a time to thank my Heavenly Father for giving them to me.
Thanksgiving is the gateway holiday into the Holiday Season. We gather together with family, or sometimes with friends and we celebrate the bounty of God's blessings. We remember the sacrifices of our Pilgrim heritage and we eat large amounts of good food. Well, at least that is the way it is suppose to be.
Gratitude is a principle of power. It can change your life. You can not have gratitude without getting rid of all your negative feelings. Gratitude will disappear as soon as a negative thought enters your mind. It has the power to change your view from seeing the problems to seeing the solutions.
Seek the Silver Lining in every circumstance and you will find it. Sometimes it may not be immediate, but with faith you will find it.

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