November 10, 2010

The Environment Is A Resource To Be Used...Not Abused.

I am not an environmentalist, but I like what nature has to offer. I love the outdoors and I feel a great desire to see that it is preserved that my children may enjoy the sites and activities that I have been able to enjoy.

That being said, I believe that God gave us this earth and its resources to be used and enjoyed, but not abused. It is our responsibility to take care of this earth. To be kind to our environment. To create technology that will enhance our environment, to increase the usefulness of our environment, and to renew our environment.

I believe that the current environmental movement has little to do with the environment and more to do with power and control. That, I see as an abuse of the environment. We must be careful in our fight against environmentalism not to throw out the proverbial baby with the bath water. We must be allowed to develop our technology at a natural pace or we will end up replacing the old technology before the new technology is ready.

Tend the garden God has given you. Take care of it, so that when the season ends it will bring forth fruit.

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