July 27, 2013

A Scout Is...

Each Scout takes upon themselves an oath and promise, as an obligation to become a better citizen, friend, and future husband, and father.

On my honor I will do my best, to do my duty to God, and my country. To help other people at all times, to obey the Scout Law...

So, just what is the Scout Law? It is a statement that describes the ideals in which a scout subscribes to. Becoming a scout is as much a process as the process of collecting merit badges and qualifying for a new rank. And this is my version of what a scout is:

A scout is trustworthy. A scout is worthy of trust. They are honest even when it hurts. When they are assigned to a task you are safe to assume that if they accept the assignment the assignment will be done. A scout takes pride in their ability to come through. Their word is their bond. You need no contract for them. A simple handshake will do. They would never even consider breaking their agreement once they enter in.

A scout is loyal. A scout is loyal to their family, their friends, their God, their country, their fellow scouts, and to their leaders. A scout is loyal to the ideals of their oath and law. Loyalty implies a commitment to help others become the best they can be by standing by them without compromising their own principles. Loyalty means a scout would never ask another to compromise their own principles and they will stand with those who stand for their same ideals.

A scout is helpful. A scout can not sit still when things need to be done. In fact they are the first to ask, what can I do? They are eager to use the life skills they have been learning and realize that being helpful is not only a sign of respect and gratitude, but it is also a great way to hone their skills. They have a work ethic that in and of itself will take them places and lay a foundation for their future.

A scout is friendly. A scout shows their ability to make and keep friends. They do not look for the differences in others, but similarities. They treat all with common respect whether they be the head of a nation or the lowliest of citizens.  They do not judge others by the color of their skin, nor their gender, or anything else, but by their character. They see everyone as an opportunity to be a friend.

A scout is courteous. A scout knows good manners and uses them in every situation. They are aware of their surroundings and aware of others. They live the old school rules of treating all with respect. They are chivalrous. They are just plain pleasant to be around.

A scout is kind. A scout is sympathetic. They mourn with those that mourn, and rejoice with those that rejoice. They make others feel welcomed and wanted. Not only are they kind to those who look like they need it. They are kind to those who don't need it. They don't wait for others to need an act of kindness, they just do it out of habit. They are kind to all living creatures.

A scout is obedient. A scout realizes that the first law of heaven is obedience. That they can not be a law unto themselves. That order is imperative to reach greatness.  They also recognize they need to be as good a follower as they are a leader. They understand that obedience leads to greater opportunities. While disobedience hurts not just themselves but those around them. They are obedient to their leaders, their parents, and anyone who is called to preside over them at any given time. So, long as they are not asked to compromise their values and standards.

A scout is cheerful. A scout is quick to smile and full of faith. A scout always displays his positive, can do attitude. A scout is quick to bring good news. They are jovial and full of good clean spirit. A scout is fun.

A scout is thrifty. A scout is a good steward with his resources. They use their time as wisely as they use their money. They understand the limits of their resources and work creatively within them. They manage their funds with skill to avoid debt at all cost. They are just as aware of their immediate needs as they are their long term needs and wants. They know the difference between needs and wants. They educate themselves well enough to know that the best is not always the most expensive.

A scout is brave. A scout is not free of fear, but because he is prepared he need not fear. The skills they have acquired in the process of becoming a scout have made them prepared to deal with just about any situation they might encounter. Fear is merely a discomfort rather than a paralyzing dose of not knowing what to do.

A scout is clean. A scout is clean in mind and body. They maintain high standards of hygiene, and they keep themselves clean inside and out. They never allow their mind to filled with thoughts that would leave them feeling impure. They do not participate in off color jokes, and they shun pornography. They take pride in their general appearance as well as the appearance of anything they do. Whether it be in their work or in play. Cleanliness is next to godliness. They realize that cleanliness in not just a matter of pleasure, but a matter of safety as well. They know how to clean clothes, dishes, bathrooms, bedrooms, cars, etc... and they do it... most of the time. ;)

A scout is reverent. A scout is fully aware of God's creations and his hand in their lives and holds a deep sense of gratitude for all of God's creations and his presence in their lives. They have a reverence for life. When they are in the outdoors they know how to balance having fun with respecting those around them as well as nature. They recognize that reverence is applied differently in different places and they act accordingly. They recognize that reverence is an outward attitude radiating from an inward feeling of gratitude.

...to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally strait.
By keeping the scout law the scout will automatically fulfill his oath. Each point building upon the other. By living the law they will be prepared to live a morally outstanding life making choices, not out of fear, but out of a conscientious decision to do what is right and good.

And though it is not officially a part of the scout law, we must never forget, A scout is hungry... Not only are they hungry for food, they are hungry for knowledge, and adventure as well. A scout is always on a quest for truth.... and more food. ;)

This is what I expect any scout that is seeking the rank of Eagle to become. Are they going to be perfect? No, but they will be well on down the path in that direction...Well, they will be if they have to go through a conference or review in which I am involved. I did not get my Eagle and I feel it my obligation, as a leader, to protect the prestige and honor of that award.

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