November 17, 2012

The Role Of The Sentinel

The role of the Sentinel is not to appease and calm your fears. His is to illuminate you to the potential of danger, to heighten your sense of urgency. The sentinel is placed outside of town in a small fortress or a watch tower and their job is to keep their eyes open for the encroaching enemy. They are the key to our being prepared when the enemy enters. These soldiers are not set to tell you everything is okay, they are there to communicate the great dangers that are coming our way.

There was a day when the media use to be this sentinel they would expose corruption and show us where it was emanating from. They would hold people responsible for their actions. They were professional and competent. They asked the hard questions and demand the answers. They were for the most part unbiased, in that if they saw corruption they didn't ask which side it came from, at least that was what their stated goal was.

Somewhere along the way we lost our sentinels, the media lost its ability to stay neutral and our watch towers have been over run by the enemy. There are very few watch towers left, but there are a few. Those who remain are doing everything they can to get your attention, which sometimes can come across as annoying, and obnoxious, and in some cases arrogant, but they have to get our attention so they do what they can, because the enemy is has just passed their towers and is approaching the city parameters.

The job of the media to ask hard questions and to investigate corruption has been taken over by such organizations as The Drudge Report, Breitbart, The Blaze, and other such organizations. These organizations have seen the enemy coming and have tried to warn us. The problem as been that most of us have been taught to watch the towers that have been taken over. We see these others and we feel something is not right, but because of what we are taught we suppose that it is those who are trying to get our attention that are wrong, because our trusted sources are not giving us any reason to suspect anything is wrong. Our sources tell us all is well, all is well...

We cant afford to ignore those who are warning us. Get out of Debt, Get a Food Storage, and Get yourself right with God, because we are about to find out what it means to be in bondage if we don't. If we are prepared we have no reason to fear, but if we are not then fear will do us no good.

Watch for the sentinels signals, and if your watchtower is telling you all is well, then you better take a closer look. I do not like doomsayers, but that is what the sentinels job is they are our first line of defense.

There is a calling for others to calm our nerves as we prepare for battle, but we can not overlook the role of the sentinel without grave consequences. 

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