January 25, 2012

I Am Tired Of Political Parties

Beware of political parties. The more I think about political parties the less I see the need for them. I mean in the current atmosphere of political stink I think we have lost the purpose of the primaries and caucuses. We have already determined that come this fall we are going to elect one of two parties both of which are to blame for our current mess and both of which are unwilling to admit their part in the mess which will lead to just a bigger mess.

Politics are inherently corrupt due to the intoxication of power. Like alcohol or any other drug some may be able to function for a time, but the danger of addiction is almost inevitable. Once addicted denial and self aggrandizement begin to corrode the character of even the strongest of statesmen. It is no wonder that George Washington served with reservation and left without regret.

Once we give our total allegiance to a party we tend to lose our objective point of view and we tend to give "our side" the benefit of the doubt while scrutinizing our "enemy" for the same actions. We tend to drink the kool aid of our party leaders, not realizing that both sides are drinking out of the same bucket. Those in power are more concerned about their next fix (election) than they are about the consequences their actions have on the average person. Both parties seeking the ultimate prize of total control and domination over the other party never mind the casualties along the way.

That being said, I do believe it is our duty to get involved in the process of electing good men, getting them in and getting them out of office before they can be poisoned by the power. I have affiliated myself with the Republican party, but I have many reservations in embracing the party completely. They should have to earn my vote as much anyone.

Our country is being torn apart by all the hot air that is being blown in every direction. I am so tired of the class warfare, name calling, emotional insults, and campaign rhetoric. If I believed everything that was said I don't think I could vote for anyone.

It is the political parties that play tug of war with different demographics, with no real concern for the truth at all. All they care is that we believe them long enough that we will elect them and that we forget after they are elected. If I sound a little bit cynical then I must be communicating effectively.

I am tired of listening to how terrible this country is. I am tired of politicians thinking that we can't live without them. I am tired of political ads. I am tired of debating my friends on issues that I know if it weren't for politics telling us we believe different we might actually understand each other. I am tired of being called a racist, when I know I am not. I am tired of being accused of wanting the poor to suffer. I am tired of being accused by my friends, who know me, of being anything but what I am. I am tired of politicians defining what is right and what is wrong and what I should believe. I am tired of government forcing us to bow to the god of environmentalists and saying we do not care about the environment if we don't believe them. I am tired of being painted with  broad brush that leaves me unrecognizable.

Beware of Political parties they are destroying our desire to get along. Don't give them that power. Yes, we may think differently on some issues, but we really don't believe that differently. We may disagree with how things can be accomplished, but no one wants poisoned water, or dirty air.
Let's be honest. If our goal is to feed the hungry does it matter how it gets done as long as it gets done?The hypocrisy of our leaders is they preach one thing, and enforce another. They speak of equality, but make it impossible for us to become equal. They speak of freedom and of defending our rights while at the same time abusing the agency we gave them to defend us. They have so successfully destroyed the premise of right and wrong and made the argument about right and left, Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal, that the right answer is not even in the equation.

Until "We the People" come together and realize the gift that God has given to us in this country we are going to be kicked to the curb by the very machine we allowed to be created under our very nose. We have to shake ourselves out of the sleep we have been put under and remember who we are and who we are meant to be. It doesn't matter which side you stand on, choose to stand in the light.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow! Amen! Well said!

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