October 22, 2012

The Trojan Horse of Addiction

Some people enjoy their addictions. They see the bars as keeping unwanted people out and all they have to do is take a sip, a hit, or a peek and they leave this cruel world behind and enter their own safe haven filled with comfort and peace. It isn't until they want to bring someone into their world and they can't that they realize the bars are not a safe haven, but a prison. It isn't until then that what they saw as a freedom becomes shackles, and what was once a dream becomes a nightmare. What they thought was peace was a Trojan horse.

The argument that you if you don't use your agency you will loose it is only one of the Adversaries biggest half truths. If you don't use your agency correctly then you will lose your freedom is the whole truth. God gives us rules not to confine us, but to keep us free. Not to imprison us, but to help us soar.

October 20, 2012

Ron Paul, Why Do I Feel So Uneasy About Him?

I write this more as an exercise in trying to put a finger on what it is that makes me feel so uneasy about Ron Paul, or Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul has been a figure in American Politics for quite some time. He has become the voice of libertarians. I like a lot of what I hear and in fact the more I listen the more I like, but for some reason I feel something very unsettling when people start talking about him, not those who are detractors, but those who support him.

A few years ago I was elected to be our precinct chair at our neighborhood republican caucus, not a hard fete as I was only one of three that showed up that year. I was willing to hold the caucus at my house no one else wanted the job, and it had to be filled so I took it. In fulfilling my duties I attended the organizing committee meetings. At these meetings there was a group that I observed on the fringes of our party. I liked what they had to say, but it didn't take long before I was unimpressed with their delivery. They objected to sometimes the most meaningless things and almost took meetings hostage by manipulating the rules.

Some how these folks got elected to the county leadership it didn't take long before morale was tanked and arguing and bickering started among our leadership. It was a shame. They darn near destroyed the party.

I was reelected to precinct chair by default because no one showed up the next go around. However, I resigned my position rather than deal with this group. It felt like we were going to a circus every time we had a meeting. I was not there when some of them were kicked out of the party. From that time I realized that just because a group espouses the principles of liberty did not mean they knew how to administer them, and in some cases they may become the very people they preached against. You can no more force liberty on a people than you force them to be righteous.

Since then I have become very familiar with the phrase "by their fruits ye shall know them." The fruits that these folks had before they took power was anger, frustration, bitterness, and aggression. They took office their fruits never changed. It wasn't that the principles that they espoused were bad principles it was that they did not understand how to administer those changes without dictating them. They had no understanding of how to administer agency nor freedom. They became worse than those who they thought were wrong.

I have learned that if I agree with someone 100% that does not mean that they are going to be my savior by getting into office. Sometimes it is better to be a voice in the wilderness crying repentance. Sometimes it is not our calling to lead from the front. Sometimes the best thing we can do is support a good man and gain his ear.

What makes makes me nervous about Ron Paul is not so much a Messiah complex from himself such that we seem to see in the White House today, but a Messiah complex among his followers. When listening to the talk shows if a host ever spoke even the least bit negative toward Ron Paul or even one of his teachings they have been pounced upon by Ron Paul supporters, some talk show hosts have even been receiving death threats. These things have all made me feel very leery of Ron Paul.

To me it would be very easy to believe all that Ron Paul has to say, I have in fact changed several of my views after thinking about what he preaches, but it has not changed the fact that I feel very uncomfortable among his followers as a whole. Individually I like many of his followers, but as a whole I just do not feel comfortable at all. They may be my friends, and I will talk to them and agree with almost everything they say, but I can not vote with them, not until I feel they understand what agency really means, and they know the difference between Anarchy and Liberty. When they can convince me, as a group, that they can accept that others believe differently and it is okay that they do, then I might find myself a little more comfortable voting for Ron Paul. As it is I am comfortable with Ron Paul being Paul Revere riding through the country and warning the people, and preparing us to get ready to be worthy of liberty.

October 10, 2012

Just A Note To Say Thank You

I realize that my voice is a small voice, but I am grateful that I have a voice. I am grateful for those of you who have visited my humble abode in cyberspace. I do hope you find it useful in one way or another. Whether it be for entertainment, motivation, inspiration, understanding, and even occasionally information. I am grateful that I can share the thoughts that cross my mind. I realize that they may not be unique in principle, but they are uniquely me.
I feel that I am a pretty simple person. I live, I breath, I eat, I sleep, I love my family, and I want more for them, but I find myself mentally stuck in a rut when it comes to money. I don't like debt and try to avoid it at all cost, but manage to be found by it every so often. I know God lives and that we are his children. I don't understand why some of us are born free while others are in bondage, but I know that God loves all of us and is saddened by the way we treat each other. I also know that he values our agency enough that he allows bad things to happen so that we can learn from our mistakes as individuals, as a family, as a community, as a nation, and as a world. What we do with our agency will determine our eternal fate...
Anyways, I just wanted to Say hello to those of you around the world who stop by my little piece of cyberspace. Feel free to look me up on facebook if you like what you have read hear you may like what I do on facebook. Enjoy! 

October 4, 2012

The President Has A Challenger

Last night was the first Presidential debate of the 2012 Election. I was unable to watch the debate, but I did listen to it the best I could while I was sitting in with the scouts at my church. I had a hard time listening, but what I did hear sounded like Romney was handling himself very well, while President Obama was struggling. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I wished I could have seen it, because body language says so much more about the conviction one has for their message. However, after seeing the clips and hearing even the liberal pundits I think it is safe to say that The President was handed a sound thumping at the hands of his opponent Mr. Romney. 

 After thinking about it I realized that our President is the victim of his own welfare state that he created for himself. What I mean is that he has protected himself by using the media to save him from the tough situations, the tough questions, from criticism and the scrutiny that others who have held the office of president or have run for the office of president, have had to face. Our president has been suffering the effects of reverse discrimination, which in my eyes, is worse than the effects of discrimination. Not that either is good, but reverse discrimination gives its victims a false sense of confidence among so called friends. Reverse discrimination is when those who can't really stand you don't want to look like they can't stand you so they are extra nice to you, all the while looking for ways to use you and abuse you all in the name of looking out for you. 

For the past 5 years or so, President Obama has been given the soft ball approach by the media. The media has played underhand pitch, giving him every chance to hit the ball out of the park. If you are a friend this is not a bad idea in the beginning to give him a little confidence, but eventually you have to get to where you can throw him the fast ball, the curve ball, or the knuckle ball so that he has the chance of learning to play with the big boys. Instead the media has let him think that he can do no wrong, that he can talk his way out of any situation. The confidence that his so called friends gave him, made him weak. Now, I understand this is the first debate, but he only has three and if last night was any indication as to what we might see in the future debates he might as well call in sick, at least then he wont be able to say things that might be held against him. 
Romney on the other hand has been given no softballs from the left or the right. He has fought through two presidential primaries and has not apologized for who he is. He has not acted the part of the victim nor has he asked for any special favors. He has been painted as some kind of capitalist monster, a snob, not a real person, a liar, dishonest, and much worse by the media and by the elite of both parties. Evidence shows different. I have come to know that time is the friend of a man of virtues and an enemy to the man who lacks virtue. 

The media can say all they want, plan and scheme, and hide things both positive and negative, but when you put two men side by side on live T.V. they can not hide the contrast. They may edit and clip and make things look as though it wasn't really so, but those who saw it will know what really happened. And those who saw it will be forced to acknowledge that the media is not interested in converting the informed, but controlling the uninformed and ignorant.

The President, looked like he was bewildered by the hostile, or not so hostile but nice but hard hitting challenger, Governor Romney. Our President looked like a lion with is mane shaved. He looked like he was asking for a hand out... out of the arena that is. 

Why does God allow bad things to happen?

  God has told us not to worry about those who can destroy the body, but those who can destroy the soul. We often see the horrific things ma...