July 22, 2011

The Secret Is Obedience

I learned along time ago that my body tends to want what it wants and it does not like pain. I also have sadly learned that when I give into what my body wants I end up not being happy with what I get.
The mind body connection is fascinating to me. Sometimes I feel like they are constantly battling each other like siblings. Other times they work and play together, and when that happens powerful things come together and creation happens in one form or another.
Most of us don't allow our mind to take us to the point where the body sees where the mind is going. Once the body sees, or feels where the mind is going it will begin to conform to the will of the mind. It takes some time mostly because even though the mind is suppose to lead most of us have allowed our body to lead. The body really needs the mind to take control in order for us to reach our potential.
 When our mind and body are working together we are more susceptible to inspiration and our ability to act in faith is increased. Pushing our physical limits may increase our spiritual capacity if we allow our body and spirit to submit to the will of God. I think that is the real secret to happiness.
Eat Less, Move More. Becoming Physically
what I already am Mentally.

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