June 6, 2010

Preparing For Battle Against Your Adversary

Knowing your enemy is almost as important as knowing yourself. As in any competition you want to study your opponent, not to empathize with them but to learn how to counteract their moves and how to exploit their weaknesses. There is a tendency with some to think if they do not know the counteraction for their enemies move that they must be on the wrong side. Most often there is a counteraction, they just have not discovered that action yet. Getting a grasp on the fundamentals of the truth will counteract all evil until you can get the answers you are looking for. Do not be discouraged in your quest. Be ever vigilant in your preparation to battle your Adversary by seeking the truth of all things.
The truth will expose the lies the adversary tells to entice you into dangerous territory. The truth guides you and  strengthens you against temptation. Understanding will bring you peace in times of battle and calm in times of chaos.

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