June 27, 2010

If Bad Is So Bad Then Why Does It Feel Good?

Sinning is not bad because it will feel bad when your doing it. Sin is bad because of it's consequences. This is why bad habits are hard to break. While you are sinning it may give you a rush or a feeling of euphoria followed by a sinking feeling inside. Then when we want to correct our actions it is hard because we want to think that we found happiness in the sin, but every time we sin we feel bad afterward. The longer we go the harder it is to connect the consequence with the sin. Eventually you forget that you ever felt good and good becomes bad and our natural sensors of right and wrong start going backward. Sin feels good, but it detracts you from even greater feelings and greater pleasures because it leaves you feeling unsatisfied, but willing to settle for less than your potential.

June 25, 2010

Hypocrite Or Not It Is Your Responsibility

Calling someone a hypocrite does not take away your responsibility to do what is right. No one has to answer to God for another person. You alone will be responsible for what you do or what you do not. It is not wise to use another persons bad example to keep you from doing what you know you should.

My Cluttered Mind

If you could see inside my mind you would find quite the clutter... Pieces of thoughts strewn from one end to the other, a whirling derby, a smorgasboard of words that sometimes makes sense. Sometimes it tastes good, sometimes it doesn't, but it keeps me entertained. But alas you only get to see what I consider my treasures.

June 22, 2010

Learning To Live With The Mistakes Of Others

Sometimes in life we plan on growing strong and tall together, but along the way our dream may be broken. Sometimes it is because of what we do. Somtimes it is because of what we don't do. Othertimes it is someone else's bad decision. Whatever causes it we must not allow it to stop us from growing. Learning to adapt to the situation gives us an opportunity to breathe life into a new dream... A bigger dream.
When we learn from others though they may be dead and gone we still gain nourishment from their existence. Live as though every dream is possible if you work hard enough, just remember the biggest dream of all is love and care for your own family. Everything else is secondary and inconsequential.

June 20, 2010

You Can't Go It Alone

There is a temptation to think that you can go through life on your own. You may think that you don't need others, but when things get tough you realize that there is a purpose for families. God knew what he was doing when he put us together. Those who try it alone don't know what they are missing or are too miserable to realize they are missing anything. Count your blessings if you have a family. If you don't, find someone nice to adopt you. You will not regret the experience of being a part of a good strong family, so if need be make it so.

June 17, 2010

Respectability Edifies All

Respect is like a two person tight rope act. When one does not cooperate it is almost impossible for either to look respectable. When you act with respect towards others you do yourself and others a great service, becasue if you truly believe in what you are doing then respect will edify all involved. If you believe in your message their is no reason to deedify your cause with disrespectable behavior.

June 13, 2010

Grandmas Are Love

Grandmas are love. Grandmas give us something not even our mom and dad can give us. Grandmas give us wisdom without consequences. Grandmas often times say the same things that moms and dads do but they say it in a nice way. They understand that mom and dad in the heat of battle don't always know what to say or do to help their own children. Grandmas know that a little candy or a cookie and some juice always makes things better. They are our cheerleaders on the sideline of life. And Grandmas just know how to scramble eggs better than anyone else.

June 9, 2010

Open Hearts And Open Minds

The hardest thing for people to read is the heart of another. But it is in the heart where disagreements are understood and differences are reconciled. When you posture yourself with contention you deny yourself the opportunity to open your heart to others and you make others uncomfortable opening their hearts to you.
Contention closes doors that might other wise be open. Contention is like a bull in a China shop it may be excited to be there but no one else is excited it is there. Kindness begets kindness and understanding begets understanding. Be willing to admit your wrongs and you open a door that may prove to be life changing.

June 8, 2010

Life Is Hard, Blessings Are Good.

Life is hard. There is little that is easy, even when you are playing you want to play hard or life becomes boring, and that is hard live with. Once we realize that it is just a part of mortality that we can not get rid of then we start working towards enjoying the work of it.
Don't always try and do the minimum or that is exactly what you will get. Try and out do yourself and you will find that your blessings will exceed your expectations. Work hard for others and you will find others will work hard for you. Spend your money wisely and money will find its way back to you. Use your time wisely and you will find you have more time to do what you like.

June 6, 2010

Preparing For Battle Against Your Adversary

Knowing your enemy is almost as important as knowing yourself. As in any competition you want to study your opponent, not to empathize with them but to learn how to counteract their moves and how to exploit their weaknesses. There is a tendency with some to think if they do not know the counteraction for their enemies move that they must be on the wrong side. Most often there is a counteraction, they just have not discovered that action yet. Getting a grasp on the fundamentals of the truth will counteract all evil until you can get the answers you are looking for. Do not be discouraged in your quest. Be ever vigilant in your preparation to battle your Adversary by seeking the truth of all things.
The truth will expose the lies the adversary tells to entice you into dangerous territory. The truth guides you and  strengthens you against temptation. Understanding will bring you peace in times of battle and calm in times of chaos.

June 5, 2010

Let Your Feet Guide You

There is little that feels better than to lift your feet off the ground after a long hard days work. When the Lord says come and enter into my rest I imagine a the weight on my feet being removed and a feeling of peace resting upon me. Let your feet guide you to that place where the Lord can give you rest and I believe your burdens will always be lighter.

June 4, 2010

Get Back In The Saddle

When we give into temptation sometimes there is a brief moment of calm followed by a nagging consciousness of falling short of our mark. Stand tall and get back in the saddle, we must never give up on ourself. We can only win if we continue to move forward.

June 3, 2010

A Mothers Love

The influence of a mother can change the world one generation at a time.

Why does God allow bad things to happen?

  God has told us not to worry about those who can destroy the body, but those who can destroy the soul. We often see the horrific things ma...