November 16, 2008

Unions the foundation of Socialism the Beginning of the End of Freedom

Unions the foundation of Socialism the Beginning of the End of Freedom

Recently I watched a documentary on Ceasar Chavez. Ceasar Chavez was a political activist who helped in organizing the Farm Workers Union in Southern California. He led them in The Great Grape Boycott, which led to much better working conditions and suitable wages. This is all good, right? Yes, I think that Ceasar Chavez was a good man who saw a need to improve the circumstances of migrant workers and believed that creating a union was the best and most effective method.
In this documentary, then Governor Ronald Reagan, condemned the boycott. As President, Ronald Reagan took swift action against the Air Traffic Controllers Union many lost there careers. I began to question why he viewed unions with such harshness. What is the problem with unions? Why was it that when unions were mentioned it was associated with communism? And if unions brought better working wages and conditions, how could that be bad?
Then I realized something. America use to disdain mediocrity, we had a lot of pride, maybe too much pride for our own good. But it worked for us. We looked at races of peoples we saw as mediocre or settled for and we did not feel comfortable with them. We as a people would not accept poverty, and we did not understand how anyone else could either. Racism was rampant. Blacks were not that far removed from slavery and Mexican-Americans were even closer to the Mexican American war.
Freedom is an interesting thing. It is not something that you can just be given, and you experience it right away. It is something that you have to learn how to experience, and once you have experienced it, people will begin trying to take it away.
When the Israelites were freed by the Egyptians, what was the response of the Israelites? They kept looking back to Egypt for security. They knew what it was like to be a slave. They could not remember what it was like to be free. They did not know how to be free. It took many years of walking through the wilderness and getting rid of a generation of people who could not get rid of a “slave mentality.” Now we have Black America who has been given their freedom, and yet they seek the comfort and security of becoming slave to a government. It takes years for a people to experience freedom. At first it is ugly and awkward, but when it takes hold it raises everyone up. What does this have to do with unions?
Freedom has an entry level experience. It is not pretty, but it is there for a purpose. When you are uncomfortable with your position you have the freedom to move on to the next level. It is your choice whether you want to increase your abilities or not, but if you do not make more money for the business then how can you expect to ask for more pay? As you increase the value of your labor then you can improve your situation in life.
Unions can guarantee a good wage and benefits, but they are designed to keep you in place. You do your job and no one else’s job. If you are tempted to reach outside your box to excel you will be penalized. If technology becomes available to do your work the union will see to it that it is not implemented so that you can keep your job. In the mean time they will make sure that your employer can’t save for a rainy day incase his industry falls on hard times. And if the industry falls on hard times then the business goes under. We have witnessed this in the steel industry, as it is all but gone here in the United States. Once and still potentially very lucrative here the unions priced themselves out of the market. The auto industry is even as we speak on the verge of disappearing from the American landscape. And we wonder why companies are fleeing to foreign countries to stay competitive?
Unions have created jobs that pay far beyond the value of their market, creating a financial deficit in the companies that employ them. What may look like greed from the top is actually greed from the bottom. Union bosses are hired to look out for the interest of the union itself and not necessarily for the workforce and they are definitely opposed to the business.
Unions create a working condition where many people do not feel the need to improve their work to be comfortable. They will get their raise not based on their ability to do a good job, but on their ability to come to work, by building seniority instead of being productive. Unions have begun a process of taking the individuality out of America. They take away the responsibility of the individual to perform. This process it taking us backward in time to a place where information and technology where discouraged and banned.
Unions are pushing us toward socialism. Business owners are receiving more and more pressure to take money from the government at the at the same time government is asking them to pay more taxes and threatening to putting them out of business through regulation if they don’t comply; on the other hand they are receiving pressure from the union to pay their members more money or face the threat of a strike. When government redistributes the wealth of the business owners, the business owners are less than motivated to grow a business empire which puts pressure on the government to employ more people. When government employs more people they have to tax more to pay their employees. This becomes a vicious downward spiral for the economy.
Every time socialism is tried it has failed. It creates more opportunity for corruption and greed within the government. And instead of raising the level of income from the bottom to the top it pushes everyone down toward the bottom. Where there is no opportunity to be rich then poor is what everyone will be.
Politics makes unions and socialism sound good, but they lead to communism. And Communism leads to bigotry and “Social Cleansings,” for the “good of society.” Remember the history of Russia? Are you really willing to say, “Not in my country?” Well, we have all pointed fingers at the opposite isle of the political spectrum and claimed that they, the other side, could be the next Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin. But that person could just as easily be among our own party. We can not afford to point fingers. Men in power should never be given a blank check even if you like them. And government must never be trusted with our freedoms. History has shown that socialism has failed every time it has been tried.
Socialism has never worked, because it suppresses the ability of the individual to express them selves. Once the value of the individual is destroyed it is easy to control the masses. We the people can not be controlled when We are in charge. The goal of the union is to take away that individuality. Once you recognize your self as a “member” and that union is more important than anything else, you have lost your individuality. The next step is to create a common enemy to create cohesiveness and focus. Finally, once one battle is won via boycott or strike then you become assimilated and you will follow your leader to hell if he wishes to lead you there.
Ceasar Chavez was not a bad man, but he was no hero either. He not only ensured the mediocrity of the farm workers, but he spread the roots of socialism throughout America. President Reagan saw this and when he could do something about it, he acted swiftly and promptly to stomp it out. It is clear that social injustices must be addressed, but unions are not the answer.
Unions imply that you should be paid what you are worth. That sounds good and all, but you will never be paid what you are worth. No one will ever be paid what they are worth! That may explain why a study done by Cornel University ILR School (2007), has shown that union members tend to be less satisfied with their work. Despite this they tend not to change jobs. One likely explanation might be that once they are in the union their limited skills are exploited and elsewhere they could not compete for the same pay. In other words if you get paid too much for the work you do you become enslaved to the job for fear of having to find another job for less than you can live on. The market value of your job is what your wages should be. Anything more than this takes away from the natural market and promotes an unnatural burden to the market place. This explains why Americans have such huge credit problems today. Just as their wages are inflated beyond the natural market value, so also is the price of goods made by them. They live a wealthy lifestyle without the wisdom that comes by progressing through the natural market system.
Individuality gives you an opportunity to reach above the crowd, find your place in the natural market and accelerate your position in that market. You can reach your potential by going above and beyond your job description and increasing the value of your service. As an individual you can not create an unnatural market value. If you don’t do a satisfactory job, or in other words fall behind the market value, you loose your job. If you work hard to benefit your employer you will be rewarded accordingly. And if your employer does not reward you, you may seek new employment, or strike out on your own and start your own business. Another option may be to develop the skills you need to increase the value of your labors.
Unions have taken away our ability to compete in the global market; they have taken away our individuality and have taught generations of our children to think it is okay to take what they have not earned. They have stripped many of the opportunity to reach their potential by pushing wages beyond their value making them feel obligated to maintain their station in life.
No, unions are not good; they create an atmosphere of hatred toward business and the business owners, who took the original risk of creating their jobs in the first place. They gave them a livelihood and the union teaches them to hate them. They often use violence and intimidation to scare others willing to enter the work force at entry level conditions. They break the free market system by promoting government interference in the market. And once they take control of a local industry they force you to join them either by law, or by intimidation, or manipulation through monopolization of the industries. In other words, they make it so that you do not have the chance to work in your chosen field unless you join them. Unions sound good on the outside, but the overall outcome of unions are dissatisfaction among their own members, and the destruction of the economic system in which they participate in. Unions have had a reputation of violence and organized crime affiliations. For all the good intentions they represent, they are like a dirty bath towel, you may dry off with it but you are no cleaner after you are done than before you started.

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