March 17, 2012

Term Limits Should Be Up To Us

I apologize up front in that I do not want this to become a political blog, but there are times when politics seems to impose itself on my mind.
Term limits is an issue that is often brought up by challengers and agreed to by incumbents but rarely ever is it self imposed. I have been thinking about it, and my thoughts are not original, but they are mine. I used to be pro term limits by mandate of the law. Since, I have come to realize that would be a very bad idea. If we think corruption is bad now, imagine what might happen if every election we had a bunch of lame ducks...not that we don't already...but now they have absolutely no consideration of having to answer to their constituents.
We keep looking to government to save us from government. Where is the logic in this? This government is a government of the people. It is our responsibility to direct the government. Rather than
ask our representatives to sign a petition to pledge for term limits we should get the people to sign a pledge not to vote for the same candidate twice for a senator and 3 times for a congress man. We should be vigilant in our search for new leadership, and in developing new leaders to take the place of those who are serving us well. The longer they are left back in Washington the less they represent us and the more they represent Congress to us.  
So, while I might have supported a term limits amendment in the past, I see the wisdom of the founding fathers in not imposing it by law, but by giving us the chance to choose those who represent us, the onus is on us to keep them accountable.
We have allowed Seniority to trump wisdom. It is us, the people, who have fallen for the argument that seniority matters. And in so doing we have allowed our politicians to get away with far too many compromises. This has only emboldened them. We like them the first time they run and the second, but after that we give them the benefit of the doubt and that is not wise. We need to make being the incumbent a disadvantage instead of an automatic advantage. We need to make our politicians more replaceable instead of irreplaceable.
To every thing there is a season and for every politician there should be a term and that term should come and go as the sun rises and sets.

March 13, 2012

Prepare Yourself For Better Things

Often when we struggle in relationships or personal trials we recognize that we are being prepared for something better. It is that optimism that carries us through to the next challenge. However, it seems like we keep going through the same thing over and over, again and again. Eventually, if we are not careful, we may lose hope of ever having a happily ever after.
It is very important that we recognize that happily ever afters only come when we take an active role in preparing ourselves for our own crowning event.
The parable of the 10 virgins tells the story of 5 virgins that collected oil and waited for the day of the bride groom's coming, while 5 other virgins neglected preparing until the announcement that the bride groom was on his way. The second 5 ended up asking the first 5 for some of their oil, but prudently the first 5 declined. While the second 5 may have considered themselves prepared, because they had their vessels ready, they forgot that a vessel not filled is still not prepared.
When a prince is born he is not a king, but a prince. As the prince grows he is taught all the things that he will need to know in order to become the king some day. However, the prince remains a prince until the moment he is anointed a king. It is his responsibility to prepare himself to be worthy of his calling.
Recognizing the difference between being prepared and preparing ourselves is huge. Many are being prepared, but few prepare themselves to become what they are prepared to be.
Even Cinderella's godmother could not have prepared her to become the princess just by giving her the glass slippers and the dress. Cinderella had already become a princess among her friends... She just was waiting for her bride groom to show up.  

Why does God allow bad things to happen?

  God has told us not to worry about those who can destroy the body, but those who can destroy the soul. We often see the horrific things ma...