Well the contest has come and gone and now it is time to renew my commitment. As I started this competition I realized that I would have to make some changes that I could live with, or I would end up right back where I started from. So, though the competition is over the journey is just begun. My next goal is to get to 220lbs and then evaluate whether or not to go lower. I weighed 220 as a senior in High School, but when I am done I will probably be a lot more firm than I was in High School. So we shall continue reporting in as I learn along the way....
This morning DeeAnn and I got up and together we started a new chapter in our lives. As we dawned our shoes and a our sweat jackets we stretched, walked out the door, and we started jogging together. I have never been so proud of my wife as I watched her struggle past her pain and jogged her first 1/2 mile. I then jogged another half mile with DeeAnn walking/jogging behind me.
The greatest thing I have learned in this contest is that I could do it. I don't need a gym membership, nor do I need a nutritionist or a trainer. What I did need was the will to start. Once I had the will to start then I needed the hope of finishing. Another thing I learned was that God has given me information to prepare me for this very journey and my bet is that when you make your decision to do the same you will begin to remember things that will help you as well. Mental clicks, are those ideas, ah has, or light bulbs that suddenly make things make sense, and will help you solidify your commitment to yourself.
Making myself accountable to my friends on facebook did two things. First it created an expectation of success in myself and in others. And second, it set me up to be encouraged, because I know my friends. Encouragement gave me the energy to do a little bit more than I thought I could, because deep inside I knew that it was giving inspiration and encouragement back to my friends.
As you lose weight you begin to realize the freedoms that you gave up by allowing yourself to get in such poor health. You also begin to respect yourself for doing what you know you should. Is there a value you can put on that? I sure can't.
I still feel that stressing out about weight will kill you faster than the weight itself, but certainly the stress of the weight you carry will kill you. So, don't stress about it, just get up off the couch and start Moving More and Eating Less. Find out for yourself what it means to be free of the emotional crap you are literally carrying with you. It is time to get out and see more of what God has given us by Eating Less and Moving More. Don't Give Up on Yourself!

The greatest thing I have learned in this contest is that I could do it. I don't need a gym membership, nor do I need a nutritionist or a trainer. What I did need was the will to start. Once I had the will to start then I needed the hope of finishing. Another thing I learned was that God has given me information to prepare me for this very journey and my bet is that when you make your decision to do the same you will begin to remember things that will help you as well. Mental clicks, are those ideas, ah has, or light bulbs that suddenly make things make sense, and will help you solidify your commitment to yourself.
Making myself accountable to my friends on facebook did two things. First it created an expectation of success in myself and in others. And second, it set me up to be encouraged, because I know my friends. Encouragement gave me the energy to do a little bit more than I thought I could, because deep inside I knew that it was giving inspiration and encouragement back to my friends.
As you lose weight you begin to realize the freedoms that you gave up by allowing yourself to get in such poor health. You also begin to respect yourself for doing what you know you should. Is there a value you can put on that? I sure can't.
I still feel that stressing out about weight will kill you faster than the weight itself, but certainly the stress of the weight you carry will kill you. So, don't stress about it, just get up off the couch and start Moving More and Eating Less. Find out for yourself what it means to be free of the emotional crap you are literally carrying with you. It is time to get out and see more of what God has given us by Eating Less and Moving More. Don't Give Up on Yourself!
Eating Less and Moving More and More.
Becoming Physically what You already already are Mentally.
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