September 26, 2010

Don't Be Distracted By The Unimportant

Last Friday I was taking pictures at the pine wood derby. I thought that I had chosen the prime location sitting right at the end of the track. As the races began I started taking pictures. I got a few pictures in and I looked at what I had taken. They were out of focus and frankly quite uninteresting. I changed my position slightly and took some more pictures but it seemed the same results. I just didn't feel it.

 It wasn't until after the derby that I realized I was taking the wrong pictures. I should have been taking pictures of the boys. I began to imagine what the boys faces must have looked like as their cars came down the track. Oh, what pictures I could have taken.

It was then that I realized that when we focus on the wrong things life may seem out of focus and uninteresting.

When we make the unimportant the focus of our attention we tend to ignore the people who are important.

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